Docsters Digger - A Bonus C64 game released with Mancave in 2019 gets a Plus/4 port by 220 Volt Team (220V)

During 2019 Psytronik Software released(link) a C64 game by Megastyle called ' Mancave '; a game which follows the hilarious adventures of Richard Morningwood who has the unfortunate task of gathering up the pages of some rather naughty magazines that have been nabbed from his secret stash by his pesky kids. Well if you were fortunate enough to purchase that great C64 game, and the bonus game contained within called ' Docster's Digger '. Will be pleased to know that 220 Volt Team (220V) has recently ported 'Docster's Digger' over to the Plus/4!

Here's the latest. "After the recent awesome trailer; the game is already here! TRP has done a great job porting this 2019 Megastyle game to our beloved Plus/4, under the glorious tag of 220 Volt Team! In the game, you must prevent the evil genie Khezam's plans: he flies across on his flying carpet bombing holes in the ground, and you must fill the holes to prevent the zombies from making it to the surface".

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