Black Sect 2: The Cursed Crypt - PnC remake of the Adventure game La Crypte Des Maudits

If you're looking for something different as a game remake, then it might be worth your time playing the latest release by Brocantygames called ' Black Sect 2: The Cursed Crypt '; a PnC remake of the Adventure game La Crypte Des Maudits, which was originally released way back in 1991 for the Amstrad CPC and published by Lankhor. As noted by the website " The original 1991 version of Black Sect 2, called 'La Crypte Des Maudits' was the successor of the 1990 game 'La Secte Noire', the original 'Black Sect'. Both were done by Lankhor and only released for Amstrad and supported French only. The better known 1993 version of 'Black Sect' was Lankor's own remake of 'La Secte Noire' ".

Unlike the original game however, this one is far more user friendly for those looking to play the game on a modern PC with more up to date features. The game no longer features text based commands, but two-button point and click interface (Left-click: walk/interact, right-click: examine), animated mouse cursors, better action responses, different moving options, unlimited save slots, altered puzzles to suit the new interface, no death or dead ends, and finally multiple colour mods with an original Amstrad soundtrack.

Links :1)  Black Sect Remake by HandsFree 2) Black Sect 2: The Cursed Crypt (PnC Remake)

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