Pac-Hack - ZX Spectrum version of Pac Man that looks a little bit more like the Arcade!

Throughout the years there have been many Pac-Man games mentioned on Indie Retro News, from the Pac-Man Xtreme romhack, to Jr. Pac-Man on the Intellivision and even a Pac-Man game on the Pico-8, which all vary in style to the 1980's hit classic that can still be found today sitting as a port beside an Atari 2600 ( or if you're lucky an original Arcade machine ). Well ZX owners are about to get in on the Arcade fun as thanks to a heads up by our good friend Stuart Campbell, he has told us highrise has released a Pac Man hack for the ZX Spectrum called ' Pac-Hack '.

You see Pac Man was already released on the ZX Spectrum way back in the early 80's, but unlike the offical version sold by AtariSoft all those years ago, this hacked release has been given a little bit of a make over to make it more like the Arcade! As highrise briefly mentions via the forum below " through the modification of the maze and some of the graphics, basically as a request by Stuart Campbell, to make more in line with the Arcade version, while being far more frantic! "

Links :1) Source & Detailed Development Videos

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