Eudora - A game developed by Deerbell with a hark back to classic RTS games such as Dune 2

Call me an old timer but I love talking about the days of DOS, a time when the only thing in front of you other than a computer was a blinking command prompt waiting for you to run a game such as C:\, C:\Dune and Dune.exe. So to browse through the website and come across a lo-fi real-time strategy game inspired by classic DOS games like Dune 2 and the Command and Conquer series called Eudora, I just had to give it a hearty mention!

As noted by the team, Eudora developed by Deerbell is a hark back to the days of Dune 2 and Command and Conquer, which focuses on resource collection, power management, base building (including walls and other base defenses), and a clickable minimap after a Radar structure is built. If that wasn't enough to get you to check this game out which is currently at version 2.0, there's multiple unit types, different scenarios, and finally with extra icing on the cake, the game is fully voiced, and the soundtrack was produced with OPL2 & OPM emulators.

Links :1) Source (Linux/Windows)

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