Rubinho Cucaracha - Another fab release for the ZX Spectrum by ZOSYA entertainment

ZOSYA entertainment have made some incredible games throughout the years, games such as Drift!, Valley of Rains, Travel Through Time Volume 1 and even the latest Angels which have all been featured on Indie Retro News. Well here we are with even more news from ZOSYA entertainment, as they've just released a high grade ZX Spectrum game called Rubinho Cucaracha; A brand new racing game which looks like it could be using the same engine as Travel Through Time!

If you enjoyed games such as Out Run or Chase HQ then I'm sure you'll enjoy this new game from Zosya Entertaiment. As not only does it have smooth scrolling, cool graphics, great music, sound effects and various tracks, but if you also like racing games with a bit of action in them, the creators have even stated that this latest game also has Vehicle Combat. So yes if you have a ZX Spectrum and want to play an incredible racing game for free right now, you can do no wrong than playing Rubinho Cucaracha

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