The Secret of Monkey Island developed by Lucasfilm Games (later LucasArts) was originally released in 1990 and created by now industry legends Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer, and Dave Grossman. It was a game that has lived on the hearts of many with its fantastic pirate charm, brilliant characters, challenging yet enjoyable puzzles, and a story set in a fictional version of the Caribbean during the age of piracy. Well if you remember that fine game and have been keen to see what the upcoming sequel is like called 'Return to Monkey Island', then as of today Gilbert's Terrible Toybox studio, in collaboration with Devolver Digital and Lucasfilm Games has released a brand new gameplay trailer!
It’s been many years since Guybrush Threepwood was last locked in a battle of wits with his nemesis, the zombie pirate LeChuck. His true love, Elaine Marley, has turned her focus away from governing and Guybrush himself is adrift and unfulfilled, having never found the Secret of Monkey Island. Hip, young pirate leaders led by Captain Madison have shuffled the old guard from power, Melee Island has taken a turn for the worse, and famed businessman Stan has been imprisoned for ‘marketing-related crimes’.
Banter with old friends and new faces on familiar islands now under dangerous new leadership. Then, take to the high seas and explore the new and unknown as you work your way out of tough predicaments. Clever puzzles, bizarre situations, and devastating ripostes are all that stand between Guybrush and glory. So yes if you are a fan of the Adventure genre and loved playing The Secret of Monkey Island all those years ago on the Amiga, PC or other, you may just like this upcoming game of
'Return to Monkey Island'
Links :1) Source (Set sail this year on Nintendo Switch and PC)
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