Failed Operation - A new Amiga game from "Irongate" created using Backbone

Iron Gate is certainly no slouch when it comes to making Amiga games, games such as The Zing, The Real Brus Lii and Mini Legión to name but a few that we've mentioned on Indie Retro News. Well if you're looking for some more Amiga games to play, then Irongate aka jojo073 has you covered with his brand new game of 'Failed Operation(Operacion Fallida)'. A new action platformer which is being shown in the latest footage from our good friend Saberman.

Yes indeed welcome to another game from Irongate aka Jojo, a game that doesn't just feature deadly enemies such as zombies, Nazi supermen and other creatures from outer space, but through the two levels of the game, you play as a soldier of the union that has discovered the entrance to an abandoned bunker from World War II; a bunker that was not long ago used as a base of operations experimenting with dangerous alien technology.

Our Thoughts :

Throughout the years Jojo(IronGate) has always been complimented over his art work and game ideas on Indie Retro News, however until he actually listens to peoples feedback good or bad the games will always be held back by being created using Backbone.... They are extremely slow!

Links :1) Website 2) Download


  1. Game looks nice but that frame rate backbone no thanks

  2. urg that's really slow

  3. Game looks good!

  4. Un juego muy bueno, y con velocidad perfecta si lo ejecutas con un 030. Los que critican la lentitud que intenten hacer un juego con un gamemaker nativo de Amiga y lo entenderán.

  5. But it seems like a lifeless and unfinished game, I don't understand why these types of games are released on the Amiga, and on top of that 0.30 for a game that should run on the Amiga 500. So now it's clear to me that backbone isn't worth it. The graphics is the best of the game, a 10 to the graphic designer.

    1. Most new Amiga games are lifeless.

  6. Hey guys n girls, I very rarely delete messages but some of the comments that are coming through are becoming abusive. Can we just focus on the game :) Is it a good game? Does it perform well? How could it be improved? etc

    1. Hear Hear! My thoughts? Too slow

  7. Seems veeeeeery slow.. will give it a try on my Pi.. maybe a higher cpu-setting will speed it up a bit.. could be an option for the developer to convert the game to the scorpion engine? Maybe without any facism symbols or backround-storyline?

    1. I think this game could be turned into something special! But personally I don't see this game going beyond what it is now, unless Backbone is ditched :(

  8. Jojo Is a fine artist. I just wish he'd switch over to Scorpion or Redpill at some point.

  9. Game runs too slow and gives me eye strain when scrolling, music is not pleasant, enemies have no visual cues they're being damaged (18 bullets for zombie!), bad energy mechanic from Turrican and empty levels.
    Good points, it's free and the graphics aren't bad.

  10. Yes Jojo73 great graphic artist, master of Deluxe Paint for Amiga and great producer of new videogames for Amiga.
    Sure it uses the now obsolete Backbone but if you play them on an A4000 or A1200 with accelerator, the videogames are fast and fun ... try Malaga Vice;)

  11. Did I understand correctly that this is a FREE game, and even then you guys are crapping all over it?
    The Amiga community is very interesting to say the least.

    1. Only positive replies allowed got it... the game is amazing it's really the best I've ever played can't see anything wrong with it at all

    2. Yes, of course that's the only possibility! It's not like people can be tactful and provide constructive criticism or anything like that, right? Too much to expect.

    3. His games deserve to be crapped.

  12. I hate this game. I give it 1/10. Pointless, senseless platform games where Amiga seems to shine so much on. I am rarely enjoying Amiga now.

    The community and the Amiga games are in the low level spectrum. I wish there real quality games to this platform. As of now, Amiga cannot compete with MSX, Commodore 64 and even NES and SNES in game qualities.

    If they don't change soon it will be at the same boat as Apple // community...what a shame.

    For me, what I want to see for Amiga are professional applications or applications and tools more than games...Amiga is failing in games...all you see is platform and shootup gets boring real fast.

    1. Maybe you could make some interesting projects using your "professional" tools, to show us how outstanding an Amiga software should be, then.

    2. pppft! No! I would rather watch the community shoot it's own foot and enjoy the show!!

  13. here you can see a video at normal speed

    1. Still lifeless and pointless....

    2. You mean at abnormally and artificially accelerated speed.

  14. Jojo's games are a shame. I really hate them.
    They are damn slow and their playability seems broken. Levels are too empty and the character has problems for stepping over platforms. Added to this, in most of his games characters tend to be over-headed, in a ridiculous way.

  15. Por favor ya os lo he dicho muchas veces, no quiero que mis desarrollos sean publicado en este blog, respetarme por favor, no quiero que se me relacione con este blog o personajes de este blog. No se como decirlo... Dejadme en paz... No sois necesarios, no hacéis ninguna función con utilidad o bien... Desistid de hacer estos hilos de odio...
    Si no os gustan mis desarrollos, haced como si no existieran, nadie os pide que publiquéis info sobre ellos, ni bueno, ni malo....
    Te lo esta pidiendo el desarrollador, esto es solo un hobby, dedícate a publicar sobre otros desarrolladores que si quieran aparecer en este blog.
    Le pido que deje de publicar sobre mi o mis desarrollos, no quiero que se me nombre o se me relacione con nada de esta web...
    Respeten la voluntad privada de una persona...

    1. No puedes pretender pedir "privacidad" por algo que compartes públicamente con todo el mundo. Es tan absurdo como si un dependiente de supermercado te dijera "por favor, no compréis la carne que está expuesta en la carnicería. Respetad mi decisión.
      Cuando tú publicas algo, estás otorgando el derecho al resto del mundo a comentar y opinar, porque todo producto es criticable, de una manera o de otra, y tú no puedes hacer nada en contra de eso.
      Si no quieres que tus productos sean criticados, entonces hazlos para ti mismo en tu propia casa, sin lanzarlos de manera.
      Así de sencillo. Y así acabarán las críticas, te lo aseguro.

      El que vengas pataleando por los foros para decir que no critiquen tus juegos también te pone en una situación propicia para que te sigan criticando, así que yo de ti haría caso omiso.

      Si a ti te gusta lo que haces, punto.
      No hay más vueltas que darle, pero siendo un desarrollador también deberías de enfocarte en aquellas críticas recursivas en algún elemento de cada uno de tus juegos, que pueda ser común a todos ellos. Y que ayude a mejorar próximos lanzamientos.

      Dar por sentado que tus juegos son buenos solo porque son tuyos, es un comportamiento bastante egocéntrico por tu parte, y a pesar de que muchos de estos son haters que simplemente critican por criticar (tú también te los fuiste ganando con tu actitud rebelde frente a las malas críticas), algunos sí que están diciendo cosas que el juego carece de ellas y sería importante que de vez en cuando siguieras algún consejo de alguna opinión de esas que no te gustan.

    2. Todo el que no tiene ni idea dice lo mismo, yo no pataleo, defiendo mi hobby.
      Yo no expongo nada, ni publico nada en esta web. En esta web el redactor solo quiere publicar mis juegos para que sirva de carnaza para sus trolls y así le consiga muchas visitas y poder cobrar por ello. Yo no necesito la publicidad de este sitio, no necesito que gente que no sabe de lo que habla me diga lo que puedo hacer y lo que no.

      Otra cosa diferente son criticas, pues yo pondría esto aquí, yo le daría esto allá o simplemente a mi no me gustan los juegos de este tipo, pero decir que odia un juego simplemente por que lo hace jojo073, NO ES UNA CRITICA, a ver si se os mete en la cabeza a los que se creen académicos.
      Esta web lleva como 5 años sin poner juegos míos, respetaron mi voluntad y ahora como presente uno a una party y quedo en descarga libre, otra vez vuelven al ataque, si puede parecer que ahora mas o menos controlan los mensajes de odio, pero ponen el juego a una velocidad reducida, y hablan remarcando los defecto y ocultando las virtudes... REPITO, no necesito este tipo de publicidad... esta web no tiene buena prensa y sus lectores no son mi publico objetivo...
      Ademas me hacen venir aquí a tener que defender mi hobby ante cualquier odiador frustrado por no poder desarrollar

    3. "On this website the editor only wants to publish my games to serve as bait for his trolls and thus get many visits and be able to charge for it." What a load of rubbish! I've given praise enough for your games many times in the past, and even now in this one. The only Critique has always been the use of Backbone. And as for charging people to visit the site??!? Say what! Seriously dude, take on board that using Backbone is really holding you back. You are a decent artist and have decent game ideas and hopefully you take that as a positive too

    4. Put this in your google translator "Iron Gate is certainly no slouch when it comes to making Amiga games, games such as The Zing, The Real Brus Lii and Mini Legión to name but a few that we've mentioned on Indie Retro News. Well if you're looking for some more Amiga games to play, then Irongate aka jojo073 has you covered with his brand new game of 'Failed Operation(Operacion Fallida)'. " <- Where's the trolling? :)

  16. Quite an artist, They say that Backbone is very slow, I played the first part and although I couldn't advance much from the second, it didn't slow me down on a 1200, apparently if you don't kill anyone or spend some time in the game it gets slow at 1 frame per second, but if you play normal you go through everything fine, that's already a defect of the language or the emu, you restart it and it works.
    Now, the character takes his step, he does not run, it is not an action game, it is more a game of finding the way and achieving goals without getting lost or being killed, he is not going to kill many enemies, if they play it seems to me which for a month of work is extraordinary.
    I think jojo tried redpill and scorpio but both have objections.
    For now and since he's not a programmer, he'll get his games out the best he can.
    Maybe in the future I can help you in more projects to see how they turn out.
    Be aware that even the worst game is very difficult to finish. don't judge so hard and try to make one so you can say how good it is.

  17. Sunset Boulevard8 August 2022 at 23:49

    Accept the facts. Your game is damn slow. It ends up reaching a frame rate of 1 frame per second if you don't kill enemies, as Luis just said. Enemies that, let's remind it, require 18 shots for being killed!! Added to this, levels are too empty. When jumping platforms, the playability is really clumsy. You have turned a game that was awesomely drawn into a poor result, due to not being able to work with a programmer as a team, and due to your stubborness of trying to replace coding by a quick, poor puzzling attempt with an editor that gives you everything done, instead that it's slow as hell on the real machine. Then what's the sense in making games for a retro machine where the game works awful? Why not making it for PC? You constantly try to excuse your game under the fact of having been done with a game maker, but the bare, row reality is that as a game itself, it's faulty and bad, since it plays badly, so it's a bad game. Truth is hard. Just accept it, and go on with your life.

    1. pues no lo juegues o hazte tu el juego que te guste...

  18. I love Iron Gate games, not only as a physical Release. Those who get excited about IronGate games should find another hobby. Along with Amiworx and lemming880, Jojo is one of the people who get the most out of Backbone.

  19. The title says it all. This is a failed operation and a really bad one. There are some really good Amiga homebrews out there making me excited about the future and this one is just really bad.

  20. Looks and sounds like a really poor late eighties game. What is even the point of this?


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