NinjFeratu - Amiten Software's latest in dev Amiga platformer gets a new tease

The Amiga is coming in HOT this month as after already mentioning games such as Wonderboy 1200, RCross and Flying Shark 2022, along comes 'NINJFERATU' from Amiten Software! This game which was announced by us some time ago and given a heads up by Saberman. Is a brand new game that not only features a playable Ninja on a mighty quest to kill an evil Vampire who killed his family, but along the way he must traverse dangerous landscapes while avoiding deadly enemies and nasty traps!

Amiten Software has said although this game will work on an AMIGA OCS and above, not only is it being developed using a custom Game Tool created in Amos Profesional that owns a TileMap Editor called 'AmiGen Engine V1.0 Beta', but the graphics are by Yann Massard & Johnny Acevedo, music By Simone Bernachia, and although the game will be eventually free, for the time being the demo is only available through the developers Patreon page.

Links :1) Website


  1. Ninja Gaiden 8 bit on Amiga ????

  2. Cptain Justicia9 August 2022 at 04:32

    And again... graphics, code and fx ripped from other 8 bit versions... just like the good lammers...


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