Dogi - Another family friendly game appears for the Amiga (WIP)

Johnny Acevedo is no stranger to Indie Retro News, creating games such as NinjFeratu, Coco Banana and even CyberPunk Alien City. Well here we are with another Johnny Acevedo game update, as he has released a 3 level demo of the upcoming game of 'Dogi; an in development game by Johnny Acevedo with music by Chromag/dcs. To coincide with this news, Saberman has yet again done a video of the game which can be viewed below.

Music in game wont be used in later versions

Dogi is a family friendly Commodore Amiga game; A game in which you not only play as a little purple Dogi, but must jump from platform to platform avoiding different enemies to collect all the fruit spread throughout the 3 levels. Do beware however, although this is a demo of a work in progress Amiga game, so far it is only available through a Patreon paywall and we will wait till the demo appears on itch io for free.


  1. How old does Johnny Advocado and Chroma think the Amiga users are now? This is the best music a demo scene guy can come up with, Pippi Longstocking, really ?

    1. Well it is family friendly, it's way way too cute for me :p

    2. Well, be ensure Chromag did not know that this music was used. I’m pretty sure it was just the programmer putting in a tune he found “on the internet”. Well, at least he credited the musician (who differs from the copyright owner obviously),

    3. Latest in the Amiga news, after many complaints he's going to change it

  2. The music of Pippi Långstrump

  3. But to be fair, "found on the internet", "demo scene guy" or not, that was a pretty poor rendition on its own.

  4. Amiten game... what do you expect? :(

  5. Amiten game... what did you expect? :(


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