Quest for Lubok - A constantly updated text adventure entirely written in Basic by Remington Gore!

Something slightly different for today's retro heads up instead of all the eye candy retro games we've featured over the last couple of weeks. As we've just been contacted by Remington Gore via Twitter, that if you head on over to his website below, you can download the latest version of the open source text adventure of Quest for Lubok. A game that is being created by a hobbyist who rediscovered his love of programming, rewriting an old text adventure he wrote in Qbasic 4.5. 

Here is what the creator says about the work in progress game of Quest for Lubok which can be viewed below. "I'm rewriting my first game that I wrote as a kid all those years ago. This is just a fun little project that I'm writing it in QBASIC. It's just something I've been thinking about doing for quite sometime. The original file format for QFL is that of .BAS which is the standard for Qbasic. As for what you see on here is just a plain text version, which is easy to read and to understand. A Dialog port is also available, see the Dialog directory for the source, as well as compiled zmachine and web versions."

Links :1) Website


  1. This looks amazing. Can you post more on this game?

  2. Quest for Lubok is about an adventurer who finds a seemingly abandoned castle. Overcoming their fear of the unknown, they decide to enter. Little do they know that within the castle walls lies an entire world, frozen in time. A world of sinister magic and despair, where the shadows prey on the weary and weak.

    Your constant companion is unease as you try to solve the mystery of dark Prince Lubok. By exploring dusty halls, creaking staircases leading to the unknown, or visiting an abandoned clocktower or paying your respects to the dead in a forgotten graveyard, you will find out more about the world and its inhabitants, of its heroes rooted in legends, of hopes, hardships, and a hint of madness that intertwines with all.

    Beware though, the further you advance, the more likely it will be that your life inadvertently becomes entangled in matters most unexpected. Enter at your own peril, for there might not be any return.

  3. I forgot to mention, you can keep up-with the updates at

    The game is planned to be quite extensive, more than two thousand rooms.

  4. Well, the first screenshot is NOT how you should code a parser...

    1. It's the map that you can read at the great library. The maker of the game has stated that after he finishes the Isle of Begafor that he was going to work on an in game map perhaps.

  5. We need more written up on Quest For Lubok. It has everything. There's even a goat.

  6. C128 and C64 images here

  7. Hi guys! It's great to see this kind of news, people making old school games, bringing them back to life! I'm pretty happy that people are still giving some love to their old Qbasic projects. I've been working on my own qbasic text RPG for a while now, I'd like to share it with you. You can see some videos documenting the whole process here

  8. There is a text adventure creator system for Windows 32/64bit systems created with thinbasic programming language which might be of interest to some:


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