Cancelled game 'Warcraft Adventure Lord of the Clans' gets an impressive remaster by DerSilver83

Way back in 2016 we announced much to the surprise of the community, that after 18 years of waiting, the rather rare and cancelled Adventure game ' Warcraft Adventures - Lord of the Clans ' was finally made available for download; a game that was due for release in 1998 with hints of the games announcement in a number of classic sources and magazines. Well if you were able to download it even after a DMCA had been issued by Blizzard. You'll pleased to know that as of just recently, we've been told by a good friend of ours that a remaster project of the games cutscenes has been released as version 1.0

Warcraft Adventure Lord of the Clans was completely playable from start to finish and it even included (almost) all of its cutscenes. Although the game suffered from missing sound effects and out of sync voices in almost all of these videos, they had been encoded with a low bitrate and suffered from a lot of compression artifacts. So what does this latest release of The Warcraft Adventures – Cutscenes Remaster Project (WACRP) change? Well it now features : all 20 cutscenes, including those 2 cutscenes not included in the original leak, there's new sound effects and music which have been added (200+ sound effects, music from Warcraft 1 + 3), missing voices restored, missing cutscenes remastered and restored, synced audio, compression artifacts removed by hand, and much much more!


Simply exctract the downloaded file and copy the extracted cutscenes into the cutscenes folder (…\W4\Cut_Scenes) of your Warcraft Adventures game folder, overwriting the existing ones.

Links :1) Source 2) Development Information


  1. To be clear, I just informed Indie Retro News that the final v1.0 release was finally out. I personally had no involvement in this amazing project. The sheer dedication & work that went into this remaster is absolutely epic!

  2. I already enjoyed the original release back in 2016. It's a great game with much soul and unique appeal even with the lack of polishment. But the work of DerSilver83 is truly of epic proportions. He managed to bring the whole experience to a new level. I've been following his work for many years now and it's just fantastic to see how he perfected the cutscenes.

    1. Yes, his dedication to this project is beyond comprehension. I was a bit surprised more people had not heard of his work since he has been blogging about it now for six years. I honestly don't care much for point and click games (don't shoot me, I grew up on them myself), but following his progress on his blog has been very enjoyable.


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