Hex 2 - A Puzzle game released by Antonio Luque for the ZX Spectrum

Although I'm not a fan of puzzle games, I get frustrated way too easily! We've just found out from Saberman through Facebook, that as of just recently you can download Antonio Luque's brand new ZX Spectrum game of 'Hex 2'. A game in which you need to switch the colours against your opponent to reach the other side of the playing board. If that doesn't make sense, make sure to check out Saberman's latest video which as always can be viewed below.

According to the creator : Hex Game for ZX Spectrum is inspired on Greg Surma article and is based on an implementation of Jack van Rijswijck's thesis. Furthermore this is the creators first first ZX Spectrum assembly project and was developed using SpectNet IDE. And that's all we know about the game, but if you like this style of genre make sure to download the game linked (HERE) or visit the website (HERE)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! Last version available here: https://github.com/Antonio-Luque/Hex/raw/master/TapeFiles/Hex2.tap


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