Prodeus - A kick ass first-person shooter as a bloody inspiration to DOOM for PC!

I don't think there are that many people out there that don't know of Doom, it's a very blood thirsty 1993 science fiction horror-themed game by id Software. In Doom, players assume the role of a space marine, who must fight his way through the hordes of invading demons from Hell. But along comes Prodeus, an awesome looking first person shooter which pushes the boundaries of the level of violence as a Doom inspiration that's available today on both GOG and Steam!

"Experience the quality you’d expect from a modern AAA game, designed with retro aesthetics and gameplay that invoke the tech-imposed limits of older hardware. The game features a hand-crafted campaign from industry FPS veterans, co-op and competitive multiplayer play drawing on classic modes*, a fully integrated level editor, and a built-in community map browser for instantaneous action with nearly limitless levels to play". So yes if you loved the classic Doom from the 90's you are sure to like this bloody inspiration through GOG and Steam.

Links :1) GOG 2) Steam


  1. Thanks to you sir for this post. This is what's baffling about GOG sometimes. Not one mention of this game in their banner at the top of their website nor in their new games list. I found out about it from this article. Looks amazing and an instabuy for me. Love the 320x200 style visuals. It's what we all wished for in the 80s and early 90s. Limitless color palettes at low resolutions. We don't need no stinkin 4K. Grit ftw.

    1. Now that I dug a little deeper I think the issue is that it was already an in-dev title and now that it is fully released it didn't warrant a "new" release announcement on GOG? No idea, but looking forward to trying this out over the weekend. ;-)

    2. I am not fond of Doom games but I agree so much on the visuals. 320x200 looks fantastic this way. HD and 4K often just looks shiny and sterile. They literally make me nauseous. This otoh makes me wannay grapple with the environment.

    3. This is a great retro game. It is very fast-paced and the levels of the campaign become more and more difficult as you progress. The maps usually end in an arena with waves of enemies attacking you from all sides but you get better weapons to defend yourself. I've uploaded hard speedruns for the first 12 levels of the campaign (that's about a third of the whole campaign) :


  3. i did play this on xbox gamepass and it was a blast ... reminds alot of doom and its gameplay - does everything right - CHECK IT OUT

  4. It's also just been added to PC Game Pass, so if you're subscribed then you get to play it for free.

  5. Me setting the youtube video quality to 1080 because I was seeing all blurry. Me also realizing the game is just that way.


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