None Of Us - An Among Us inspiration arrives on the Commodore Amiga via Electric Black Sheep

For a little while now we've been featuring Electric Black Sheep's upcoming Amiga game of 'Project Quest'; a game inspired by basic shooting elements such as Commando, with a mix of Chaos Engine set in a fantasy theme. Well if you're still waiting for that game to be finished and want something to play during the mean time, you can check out Electric Black Sheep's latest game of 'None of Us'; An Among Us inspiration which is a mini game to test things like visuals and gameplay. To coincide with this news, Saberman has done a new video which shows the game as an action blaster for the Commodore amiga.

Here is what Electric Black Sheep says about their new game of None Of Us: This is not a game in progress. Just a mini game for testing visuals and gameplay (amongst other things)! The essence of the test is to obscure the opponents from the players viewpoint with light/shadow. Ok, we all see that in modern platforms, but not  under AMIGA - AMOS Pro! The game requires an Amiga with ECS chip, 2mb chipram and a fast Cpu, and it is possible to insert (iff sample) music in the test game, but for legal reasons it is only part of the presentation video.

Links :1) Website


  1. Very interesting achievement for AMOS!

  2. Looks great -- especially for AMOS. Just an FYI.... Blitz is faster than AMOS. As well, the new Scorpion Engine is looking promising.


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