None Of Us - An Among Us inspiration for the Commodore Amiga gets a WIP update

While we are still waiting for the final version of Electric Black Sheep's upcoming Commando / Chaos Engine fantasy themed Amiga game of Project Quest. In the mean time it might be worth checking the latest update for Electric Black Sheep's other game of 'None of Us' : An Among Us inspiration which is a mini game to test things like visuals and gameplay. To coincide with this news, Saberman has done another video which shows the game as an action blaster for the Commodore amiga.

As the website describes and from our previous article : "This is not a game in progress. Just a mini game for testing visuals and gameplay (amongst other things)! The essence of the test is to obscure the opponents from the players viewpoint with light/shadow. Ok, we all see that in modern platforms, but not  under AMIGA - AMOS Pro! The game requires an Amiga with ECS chip, 2mb chipram and a fast Cpu, and it is possible to insert (iff sample) music in the test game, but for legal reasons it is only part of the presentation video".


  • -A bit different design of gfx and map to look more like a cartoon.
  • -some gfx modification (smooth lines?)
  • -Experiment to play music from FastRam if available (extra loading at start but less laggy while playing... but still buggy)
  • -repaired some bugs (...and made some new ones for sure)

Links :1) Website

1 comment:

  1. TILED can be use to edit maps, and use the included Amiga program to convert the map edited in TILED back into the game. If You want more maps, use the name "Map 1" ... "Map 2"... then You can select it by typing in the corresponding levelcode (stored in Levelcodes.txt). Have fun. I am interested by the maps/or tiles created by others. Thank you.


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