Robocop AGA - Upcoming Robocop remake via Daniel Allsopp gets another vid update

It was only just recently that we gave you the heads up that 'Robocop' was coming to the Amiga as a complete AGA rework, developed in 68k ASM for those of you who felt the original 1989 Ocean/Data East game was rather lacking. Well just recently thanks to another heads up via Per Ola Eriksson, Daniel Allsopp who is behind this AGA rework, has posted a brand new work in progress video showing how far the game has come since its first announcement all those months ago.

The coder is still hard at work on the game and even though there is a long way to go yet as it may take many many months worth of development time. The game featured in the diary update 10 however, has all arcade perfect colours, some new features to the map renderers, extra meat to the engine, bug fixes, more work done on the main Robocop sprite including animation, a new Runner Goon enemy, new spawn points from the Arcade, a rudimentary collision detection system added to test the Runner Goon, and finally, a huge, humongous, gargantuan, massive upgrade to the double buffering system!

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1 comment:

  1. Any new updates ? am dyeing to play it.


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