Last Action Hero - An enhanced(hack) version of a 1994 brawler via AmigaLive!

While I do try to avoid writing on weekends, this was too good not to spread the word! As thanks to both Earok and Saberman letting us know earlier today, they have told us that AmigaLive has made available a hack of the Amiga version of the 1994 game 'Last Action Hero'. As in the words of Earok "AmigaLive did a hack of the Last Action Hero awhile ago, I got permission to repost it here. It features a raft of gameplay balance tweaks to improve on the notorious film tie in."

Furthermore as noted by SquawkBox via the EAB forums "Last Action Hero + above mentioned speed hack was made as an ADF by Aladin (only existed as a WHD package until now) which was tested on a 1 MB A500, works as intended". Changes include : Unlimited continues, selectable lives up to 9 from 5 max, health is 100% restored with all food types, increased move speed left/right (from 2 to 4), increased move speed up/down (from 1 to 3), decreased flying distance when hit, decreased flying time when hit, decreased backflip self damage (from 5 to 1), and finally decreased backflip damage to enemies (from 16 to 4)

Links :1) Source 2) Download 


  1. LOL! I remember renting this game for the NES despite the movie being terrible and movie games being horrible(unless they were made by Sunsoft) It did have digitalized movie scenes(rare for 8-bit) with the rest of the game being way below the standard of beat ‘‘em up games at the time. I’m sure the Amiga version couldn’t have been much worse. At least it got improved.

  2. John Kayanas of AmigaLive has done an excellent job on this hack.
    This is how the game should play out of the box.
    Also don't miss try AmigaLive program itself.
    It offers a all in one Amiga emulation experience. Great for beginners and people who don't want to read tons of info just to play an Amiga game.
    Thanks to Aladin for the ADF vesrsion too.

  3. The only enjoyable thing in this franchise is the soundtrack, but I wouldn't dare swear to that either.

  4. This one is tricky to rate. I like the look of the visuals in general except when Arnie is walking, he looks he's kind of apeing along, with his arms being a bit too long. When I played the original version it was truly awful. It was very hampered by it's sluggishness and other quirky elements with the fighting which made it very unfair to play.

    The hack is excellent, and it shows what could've been done had the product not been rushed out, play tested a bit more, and then actually refined. Still a couple of things are still lacking. Arnie's walking animation really needs to be redrawn for a start, the second is a jump / jump kick move needs to be added to improve the game play, the third is there need to be items to interact with - things to break, things to pick up, weapons that can be used, Fourth - two button controls could be implemented to expand the potential moves that Arnie could do, and lastly the colors could've been be a bit more vibrant.

    Still the game is now become playable and that's good enough for the moment. Quality side scrolling beat em ups are solely missing from the Amiga library (same with decent vertical shoot em ups...) and It does play ok if a bit repetitive at times. Still if anyone is willing to take on the challenge I reckon the game would get a major boost if some of those fixes could be implemented. But very nice work none-the-less!


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