Red41 The silent Death - Another Amiga game has been recovered for the community!

As so many of you are aware by now we love Retro games, especially games that have been lost into the ages and through these modern times have finally been recovered for many of us to enjoy. This is especially true for games such as Riamel Black Prophecy which appeared earlier this year for the Amiga. Thankfully more games are seeing the light of day, as thanks to a heads up from Per Ola Eriksson, he has told us that Daniele Pompo who was part of the software house DigitalWarp, has made available an Alpha version of the unreleased Amiga game of 'Red41 - The Silent Death'.

Here is what Daniele said about this latest release via EAB "My name Daniele Pomposelli , I live in the north of Italy and at the time of high school I was part of the software house DigitalWarp and we had 4 titles in development for Amiga 500 and 1 for Amiga1200. They were: Red41 The silent Death, KILLER (MK clone only AGA version), The Mexican and Robogun. Although many years later, if you have the pleasure of it, I have released the penultimate RED41 version (unfortunately the last one has been demagnetized over time).

These are the covers of "The Games Machine" magazine of September 1993, the other is the preview of the game Link & Link 

Unfortunately, the working version with collectible coins and opponents that can be faced has been lost. ADF 1 / ADF 2 (Right Click/Save As)


  1. E-SWAT clone wannabe.

  2. Che peccato che non siate riusciti a pubblicarlo!! Scrolling eccellente e musiche bellissime...sono sicuro sarebbe stato un gran gioco d'azione per Amiga! Certo che potreste farci un pensierino riguardo il riprendere a lavorarci su...che ne dite?! P.s quel nimero di tgm lo conservo ancora!

  3. Really a pity your project wasn't released! Great graphics,excellent scrolling and fantastic music! Cheers from Italy!

  4. Dico la medesima impressione dei 2 che hanno pubblicato prima di me !
    Certo che una versione finale del gioco venduta in digitale sarebbe stupendo !!

    1. Daniele Pomposelli14 November 2022 at 14:15

      ridendo e scherzando... qualcuno ci sta gia pensando XD

    2. eddai portatelo a termine sembra molto accattivante

  5. Wow !! So many year passed since I’ve coded this game with my friend , I was really surprised to see it inside the news 🤣

  6. Daniele Pomposelli12 November 2022 at 16:14

    Unfortunately it went like this, then in the wake of MortalKombat we decided to make a clone.
    Beautiful times, we carry them in our hearts.

    Daniele Pomposelli

  7. Già videogames dalle grande potenzialità ,peccato che non fu concluso ....forse adesso con questa rinascita del retrogameng?

  8. nice and interesting site ---- cheers


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