Cecconoid - Cybernoid inspired indie game released in 2019 is coming to the Amiga!

If you had a ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, C64, NES or Amiga, chances are you would've played ' Cybernoid '; a shoot 'em up published in 1987 by Hewson Consultants that is regarded by many as a very challenging, albiet very enjoyable game with fabulous music by Jeroen Tel or Jochen Hippel (ST). Well if you do remember the game and did have a chance to play it, you might be interested to know that as of early 2023, Hoffman will be releasing the Amiga port of the Cybernoid inspired game of 'Cecconoid.

Cecconoid which was originally released for the PC, Android and IOS back in 2019 by Triple Eh, is an 8-bit inspired, flick-screen, twin-stick-shooter, set in an alternate dimension where the pixels are still chunky, and the bad guys are black and white. The game features 50+ rooms, different power-ups, a high score table, and lots of enemy blasting action to keep you busy throughout. So yes if you love Cybernoid, you owe it to yourselves to check out this upcoming game by Hoffman.

While Hoffman didn't contact us in regards to his previous game or this one, lets hope he keeps us in the loop for Cecconoid!

Links :1) Windows 2) Website Available to purchase early 2023, requiring any Amiga with 512k chip ram / 512k other ram


  1. Would it have killed him to use a couple of more colors on the Amiga?


    2. Also a rainbow copper background would have been appropriate, I'd wager. ; )

    3. Even Cybernoid for the ZX Spectrum wasn't monochrome, makes no sense to do a monochrome flip screen Amiga game.

    4. This is a port of a PC game that looks exactly like that. Why would he change that look?
      If this is not your cup of brew, then simply don't play it.. ; )

      So many games coming out right now, I guess you will find one to your liking. : )

    5. looks nice and polised

    6. I LOVE GAMES WITH THESE TYPES OF graphics...so mentally relaxing.....I am already stimulated enough with 4k quality games...these style of games are sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!

  2. Makes great sense, this game is different and fresh, I love is as it is!

  3. Wait until you see the secret screens.


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