Lester - A new metroidvania is coming to the C64 and there's a launch trailer!

While some of you including myself, are still looking forward to playing the upcoming game of Leap!; A high quality C64 title via KnifeGrinder which is a tribute to Bounder; a game released in 1985 by Gremlin Graphics. There's another game that's worth looking out for when it releases this weekend, and that's Lester, an upcoming metroidvania for the C64 that puts you in control of the AR2020, a robot sent to liberate a space station taken over by an evil AI.

According to the creator of this fine looking game as the creators first C64 title, "Lester takes inspiration from modern MSX Metroidvanias like Ghost / Minighost (which is clearly the most direct inspiration for it) and the old Konami's productions like The maze of Galious. Furthermore, even though it originally started as a hello world project fiddling with a TRSE tutorial. Within 3 years it became a graphic adventure engine, a zelda-like engine, a single screen platform engine, an attempt to convert Minighost and then a standalone game". So yes certainly one too look out for when it's released between Friday and Sunday!

Links :1) Website

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! Excellent and distinct graphic style.


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