Mind Blown! As Starfox demo'd on the Sega Genesis/MD!

I always try to get you the latest updates from around world when it comes to games that have been released or are still being developed. Well this latest news story took us by surprise this afternoon, as looking through our Twitter feed, I've come across a mind blowing heads up that someone has shown a demo of Star Fox running on a Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. If you don't believe me, check out the latest footage linked below of the game running without the need for a fancy Super Nintendo SuperFX chip!

As you can see by the footage, which is nowhere near complete, is astonishingly close to the SNES original, an incredible feat when you consider there's no SuperFX chip at work here. The audio is a sample of the original SNES music, and as stated by Gasega68k, the intro sound and the music during gameplay are streaming sample rate at 12khz (2 to 1 compresion adpcm type, the same format I used on wolf3d) playing with the z80. While we are not sure if it's going to be turned into a full Starfox experience, we can't wait to see how it progresses through the months or years ahead.


  1. motorolla 68K love

  2. I've only just realised after watching this video that the music on the first level of Starfox is almost a note for note rip-off of the music on level 1 of Afterburner 2.

    First Blast Processing comment too!

    1. "note for note rip-off"? Is it though? They don't sound much alike to me apart from general mood. lol.

    2. They’re barely even similar tunes? I just compared playthroughs to make sure my memory wasn’t off.. 😅

    3. You realy schould check your ears. Thos Tunes dont even sound nearly the same.

    4. The majority of song we all hear from singers are based off of 4 chords, this guy on youtube shows how Stephen Ridley, so are they all rip offs of other songs? simularities yes a bit but one really need to be the judge to them, thats my take and my own opinion

  3. Genesis does what Nintendon't.

    1. Or... Genesis does what NintenDID :)

    2. Yeah that's the truth of it, not that it hadn't before with LHX which runs fine, there is another but it's a slide show disaster though.

    3. Star Cruiser was pretty impressive for Genesis in 1990.

  4. It is cool how the 68000 processor is holding up, but as the game becomes more advanced and in the later stages, I would have thought the cpu would need a 16mhz+ overclock to keep it together. Could be wrong.

  5. With the code converted in 68K, this game could be ported to other 68k platformes ;p


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