Penny Postie - A charming Winter game released by Vintage Computing Carinthia for the C64

Another retro gaming news story to get through even if it's nearly midnight, as if you're looking for something rather unique to load up on your C64, it might be worth your time checking out this charming game from Vintage Computing Carinthia called 'Penny Postie'; A new Arcade game in which you need to deliver parcels through a snowstorm in the allotted time. In light of this new game news, Saberman has done a video of the gameplay viewable below.

Here is what the website describes about Penny Postie : Penny and Peter are package delivering posties. Their time is very limited, so they have to be very quick and efficient! They can shovel Snow out of their way but this takes time. Using already cleaned paths makes the job so much easier to deliver! The game features different places to deliver parcels, competitive play with Penny and Peter racing against each other to deliver parcels, and finally unique gameplay with lots of fun to be had.

Links :1) Source 2) Download


  1. Nice idea, nice title screen and nice game play, but the in-game graphics looks so 80s


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