Wycheweald - A first-person role-playing adventure game for the ZX Spectrum

Ever since the creation of Indie Retro News, we've always tried to keep you up to date on the latest games, either for the Amstrad, the C64 or even the ZX Spectrum. Well it's the ZX Spectrum that's getting another shoutout for the first week of 2023. As we've recently been informed by Saberman, that if you head on over to the link below, you can try out Red Zebra's latest game for both 48k and 128k ZX Spectrums called 'Wycheweald'. 

Here is what the website describes about this new release from Red Zebra : "Wycheweald is a first-person role-playing adventure game for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum featuring exploration, minor puzzles and turn-based combat. It’s designed to run on 48K and 128K machines. The 48K version does not have the music or NPC portraits and the dialogue is heavily cut down. The main features of the game are Scrolling, textured 3D world and sprites, Animated combat and finally an Auto-map and mini-map!".

Links :1) Website


  1. The video looks fantastic. I see that the download is a .zip file. I'd like to run it on my DivMMC EnJOY PRO ONE. Do we know the file extensions of the files extracted from the .zip file? The DivMMC can't use .TZX files.

    1. *.TAP after extraction from a ZIP.

    2. Thanks for that. I would've downloaded it in any case but now I can play it on my +2 or +3.

  2. "The video looks fantastic. I see that the download is a .zip file. I'd like to run it on my DivMMC EnJOY PRO ONE. Do we know the file extensions of the files extracted from the .zip file? The DivMMC can't use .TZX files."

    The game is in tap format.

  3. This one is great


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