Aljau The Water Dam - A new Amstrad CPC game from Altanerus DOG

I was a bit late on this one as I'm dealing with *personal life*, but if you're looking to play a rather decent looking game on your Amstrad, then you might like to know as thanks to a heads up from XeNoMoRPH and Saberman, that Altanerus DOG has recently released the Amstrad Adventure game called 'Aljau The Water Dam'; A game in which you have to depressurize a dam full of water, otherwise a dam will collapse causing a catastrophe.

Here is what the creator says about this new game for the Amstrad CPC "You have been working on the newly built Aljau dam for two weeks, an unexpected heavy rain has caused power cuts to the complex. The capacity of the reservoir is increasing alarmingly, you must manage to restore electricity to be able to open the 4 locks before it exceeds its maximum capacity, about 7000 hm3. The main objective is to relieve the dammed water, otherwise the dam will collapse causing a catastrophe".

Links :1) Forum 2) Download


  1. Painfully slow but nice colours.

    1. Agree. The movement is this game is nausea inducing, but the game is pretty good. It just needs some improvements.

  2. As much as I admire the effort - and I truly do, the flicker is pretty painful. It's the sort of retro realism that is left back in the 80s. :) I hope the programmer can work on ironing that out.

  3. correct the flicker and it would be perfect


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