Maria Renard's Revenge - Upcoming Amiga Castlevania fan game for the Amiga gets new footage

In April of last year we gave you the heads up of a brand new game coming to the Amiga, which had Castlevania vibes and was the creators very first attempt at using the Scorpion Engine. Well fast forward to today and thanks to Earok giving us the heads up, we have been told that not only is the Scorpion developed Castlevania fan game of 'Maria Renard's Revenge' still looking like a game that many will enjoy when it gets an eventual release, but as of today there's a new game play video for you to watch.

Sadly we don't know when the game will be finished as it is still in an early stage of development. But from what we can see in the video above, you play as a girl who has to traverse through dangerous landscapes, while defending herself with the use of a bird that protects her from harm. The game features as mentioned before, charming graphics, a lovely soundtrack, smooth scrolling, multiple parallax layers and different areas to traverse such as dangerous caves.... So yes certainly one to look out for when it gets an eventual release!

  • Beta 0.5 Version Available
  • Final version coming soon
  • System requirements
  • Amiga 1200  with 1Mo FastRam or Amiga CD32 console
  • The A500 Mini
Credits :
  • Aamatniekss, Ansimuz and Konami for graphics maps and Sprites
  • Earok  for the amazing  Scorpion Engine 

Links :1) Source


  1. Sorry to be "that guy", but "gives Castlevania vibes" is an understatement: Maria is playable in Castlevania Rondo of Blood, (in other games too, when she's grown older and her sprite is different). So you could just call it "Castlevania fan game" without batting an eye. Also, she's a witch that can summon several holy beasts, the bird being one of them. Cheering here to see a complete game, and her other power-up beasts! ;D

  2. This game looks beautiful! I also like the sounds. Unbelievable what is possible with Earok's Scorpion Engine. This gives the Amiga a new lease of life.

  3. Pixels are great, but engine is poor, and slow. Wasted potential.

    1. Hard disagree. There would probably be no game without the engine.

    2. look at some of the so called professional games released back in the day, especially from US Gold. This moves like a dream compared to them lot.

    3. It moves fine on emulator that i checked now. Nothing like the video

  4. Slow? Your're watching at a youtube clips which runs in 24fps. Has nothing to do with the real speed for this game.

  5. Will it move at 50FPS? Could the main sprite use "real" weapons?


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