Zeta Wing II - New footage of Sarah Jane Avory's upcoming C64 Parallax Shoot 'em up

Sarah Jane Avory has created some fabulous C64 games throughout the last couple of years, from the amazing Soul Force to Zeta Wing and even Briley Witch Chronicles. Well here we are with another Zeta Wing II news update, as scrolling through our Twitter feed we have just found out that Sarah has not only shown some new footage of the game, but it gives us a new look at the stage 3 attack waves and the eye candy sprite multiplexing and parallax!

Zeta Wing II looks to feature many challenging stages, each with their own graphic style, lots of parallax scrolling, multiple weaponry upgrades, end of stage bosses, PAL and NTSC compatible, simultaneous music and sound effects, and all of this programmed, graphics, and sound by Sarah Jane Avory with hopeful publishing through Bitmap Soft. While we are still not sure of a release date, we will make sure to keep you as up to date as possible all the way through the development stage.


  1. Very cool!! What a multi talented lady Sarah is! I'll be keeping an eye out for this one :-D

  2. What is up with the oversaturated colors?

    1. Website JPG, recorded from an emulator, could be any number of reasons :) . I see wildly different colour levels from different streamers too

    2. It's the default VICE palette since V3.6

  3. that parallax is wonderful

  4. Looks like an Amiga game.

    1. Not really. Amiga has higher resolution, huge color palette and nobody would choose C64-like dull set of colors. Of course game looks great for 8-bit machine for sure, but no 8-bit machine can get close to the Amiga which was 10 years ahead of it's time in 1985 when it was still 8-bit era.

    2. well, really no one arround you had an amiga before 87, and mainly it started to sell in 1990

    3. Still doesnt look as good as an early Amiga game

  5. Looks as awesome as the dev's other great works!

  6. Dude can certainly code,!


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