Adidas Championship Football by Ocean Software - A rare Amiga Footy game appears via Scoopex!

I am generally not a fan of anything that is Football either as a game or on the TV, pretty much the only game I have ever enjoyed was the classic game of Sensible Soccer on the Commodore Amiga. Still there is one game that is worth a mention even if it is Football related, and that's the latest Scoopex release of Adidas Championship Football by Ocean Software; A very rare game that was originally released back in the 90's for the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum.

Here is what Galahad/FLT said via the EAB Forums. "So today, Scoopex managed to secure a game that frankly, is probably only held by a handful of people. It was only released in France, and I doubt it sold particularly well, which is self evident by how rarely the game turns up on auction sites, which, is probably for the best, because some price gouging twat will try and sell it for £849.99 as they are currently trying to do with Putty Squad!!!!!"

"The name of the game...... Adidas Championship Football by Ocean Software! Massive thanks to Paul Badham, the guy runs a channel on Youtube called @MrBads_Games. By sheer luck, he spotted it for sale on eBay presumably, bought it thinking it couldn't possibly be the Amiga version.....and won it for £4.99..... turned out it was the Amiga version!!!"

"So with some negotiation, I was supplied with the ADF, and thankfully because the RNC Copylock was so monumentally stupidly implemented, I didn't need the original disk to get the serial key, I was able to crack it without. Programmer gallantly tried to encrypt the Copylock and threw in some self modified code to try and disguise the calls to the Copylock, which is rather silly, as that self modifying code meant it wouldn't work on anything above 68000 CPU. All the Copylock calls removed, all the self modifying code bypassed, has a fair chance of working on most Amigas".


  1. So is that the same file as the one at 'Games That Weren't'?

    1. No idea, it was uploaded by Scoopex/Galahad to the Zone on EAB.

  2. Is this game already pirated ? Or is it now able to be tested?

  3. Interesting situation about how it was purchased... £4.99!!

  4. All online versions for download originate from the one I did for Scoopex, including "Games that Weren't" :)

  5. Amazing news, one of my all time fav Speccy football games.


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