Bubble Quest - Mind blowing graphics teased for an upcoming Amstrad Plus/GX4000 game!

This news article was just too good not to be written up, as if you are looking to play a game that's full of eye candy and gameplay on your Amstrad Plus or GX4000, then it might be worth keeping an eye on Praline Software's upcoming title of Bubble Quest; A game in which you must guide your bubble around a maze like screen while avoiding everything that is deadly to reach the exit! To coincide with this news, Barjack was also happy to provide some animated gifs from the game which to be honest look incredible!

The game features a multi-minute, fully animated intro :

This is what Barjack has to say about Bubble Quest, announced via the CPCWiki forums " Hello everyone, Some news for those who follow the development of Bubble Quest on CPC+ and GX4000.
I'm about to finish all the gfx of the levels, which were very numerous because of their animations and complex for having made the most of mode 1 with rasters for the backgrounds in addition to hard sprites".

"Roudoudou will be happy to finally be able to integrate all this into his incredible engine which has already been in place for a while 😉 .Almost all the music is finished, it is the work of e-dredon, takes advantage of the sound capabilities of the CPC+ and is absolutely fabulous! I hope he will consider my work up to his talent 😉"

"The game will be released in physical edition and will fit on a cartridge with a capacity much greater than the original ones as the content is substantial. We owe this support to Toto, whose task was not so easy to upgrade from 512KB to 2MB! We hope - without wanting to go too far - to be able to finish the game for this year 2023. We will keep you informed soon".

And that's all we have to share about the game at the moment, but as soon as we know more we will of cause let you know as soon as possible. LINK


  1. Intro looks a lot like OOTW, gameplay looks very "modern indie" .. lol.

  2. It looks like it could be sold for pc and modern consoles.
    I wonder if it's possible to update the M4 or C4CPC, by software to read 2Mo. Even if the game will not be released for download.

  3. can this game be ported for the amiga 500??

    1. Not really, the game is coded in Z80 assembly and flooded with ASIC adresses.

    2. What about able to port it to MSX 2?

  4. Incredible graphics and animations ...hopefully a physical version maybe on cartridge for my GX4000 ;)

  5. Amazing on the platform!!!

  6. Is it possible for the Amstrad GX 4000 to use hardware sprites and more than 16 colors on screen in mode 1 (320x200)? I thought that was only for mode 1 (160x200). I dont remember any game doing this in 90`s.

    1. Wasn't Switchblade in mode 1 and had hardware sprites and extra colours in places and whatnot?

    2. MODE 1 is 320*200 in 4 colors, but at boot with BASIC border. I think the game could be overscan so then the resolution is 384*272.
      Hardware sprites are in any MODE, and always 16 colors. The console can display 16 sprites (even more) and they can be even hi-res "640*200" above any screen MODE. Total is 32 colors without rasters.
      To change a sprite, it have to be reloaded. It's not just changing an adresse in the RAM, 16*16 datas, 256 bytes, heavy in CPU.

  7. Je n'aime pas le visuel, trop android comme on en voit de partout aujourd'hui du coup perd tout intĂ©rĂȘt je trouve, la partie programmation c'est diffĂ©rent la gestion z80 est bien exploitĂ©.


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