Missile Command - A very cool Missile Command Clone by DrMortalWombat for the C64

The iconic Atari game Missile Command didn't get the best of ports even on the C64. So fans of the frenetic arcade blaster should definitely check out this latest game news that's been sent to us by Saberman, as he has informed us that DrMortalWombat has released a very cool clone of Missile Command for the Commodore 64! In light of this news, as ever Saberman has done a video of the game in action which can be viewed below.

Here is what the website says about the game "There are two dead safe methods to survive a nuclear attack with ICBMs.  Defence with anti missiles and "Duck and Cover" where a simple desk will defy a multi megaton nuke.  Your mission is to protect the six major cities against the global nuclear attack, else perish with them. You control three anti ICBM missile launch sites,  if you run out of missiles or launch sites or the enemy missiles you are out of luck until the end of the stage. Target and fire your missiles using the joystick in port 2 or the 1351 mouse in port 1. The game has two soundtracks, one for a single SID and one for dual SIDs".

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  1. This is seriously good.

  2. Scopiazzate il passato !! Basta NON se ne puo' piu', create giochi avvincenti NUOVI come Sam Journey con nuovi ambienti grafica characters e animazioni eccetera !!!
    Basta scoppiazare i vecchi classici.

  3. Non voglio assolutamente essere scortese o antipatico nei confronti di chi fa videogames per diletto e passione, e solo che vedo troppo spesso "spudorate" copie di vecchi classici.
    La programmazione e' oltremodo impegnativa e complessa a seconda se e' Assembler Basic C++ o Blitz Basic e pure Amos Pro.
    Io personalmente sono un grandissimo appassionato di Videogames, sinceramente avrei voluto imparare la programmazione, ma avrei perso tempo anziche' giocare....!!!
    Complimenti comunque per l' ennesimo clone di Missile Command...


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