Ring around the World - RETREAM announces the release of a new Commodore Amiga game!

RETREAM are certainly no strangers on Indie Retro News, releasing games on different systems such as SkillGrid, QUOD INIT EXIT IIo, ArtPazz and even MAH. Well here we are with another RETREAM update, as they have contacted us to let you know, that they have released a new game for the Commodore Amiga called ' Ring around the World'; A top down adventure game which requires an Amiga with a minimum of 1 MB of CHIP RAM and Kickstart 1.3. Although they do recommended 1.3 MB of storage space and keyboard.

Here is what the website describes about this new game from RETREAM. "A FANTASTIC ADVENTURE IN THE UNKNOWN. Ring around the World is a short, open world, top-down, point'n'click adventure game where the protagonist wakes up on the shores of an unknown world with just two memories - one of which is being drowning in a stormy sea". So if this sounds like the type of Commodore Amiga game you might enjoy, give it a go below.

Links :1) Source


  1. Those "full screen" characters look great. Moving across the map is a bit archaic, though.

    1. Glad you liked the portaits - thanks! But why is the movement "archaic"? You click on the desired place and the character goes there following the shortest path (provided that there's one, and no matter how long the path is), and he does it quickly so that exploring the map doesn't become boring (especially when the player is stuck somewhere and needs to visit places again).

  2. Loaded this game up for the first time earlier on my A1200 and it looks great. Lovely production values. I'm sure to enjoy this.


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