Lost Realms of Murkasada Episode 2 - The second episode in the run up to the C64 game Crimson Twilight by Arkanix Labs

Another surprising release today is the second episode of a Commodore 64 game called 'Lost Realms Murkasada' by Arkanix Labs; the second episode of a series of companion games up until the official release of the main game Crimson Twilight. This game available completely free through the CSdb site, is a short albeit enjoyable game, which can be completed in an evening as a companion adventure/rpg-lite using the world of their CRPG Crimson Twilight.

According to the creators not only is this game an action adventure/RPG set in the same world and will take place over a series of 'episodes', released periodically in the build up to the big release of their upcoming game Crimson Twilight, but these short episodes such as the one mentioned above are designed to be fun little adventures and an introduction of sorts to CRPG's to those people who may not necessarily have played CRPG style games before.

Links :1) Source 2) Download


  1. Crimson Twilight has been in production for around 16 years now...

  2. Looks really cool! Thank you!

  3. It needs the _AD tag to work on theC64 mini/maxi


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