Rogue Declan: Zero (Amiga) - Nivrig is developing another addictive looking game!

Here's a great news story for you all, especially if you have a Commodore Amiga close by, as we've recently been informed via our good friend Nivrig Games , who also designed the highly enjoyable game of 'Turbo Tomato'. That at some point in the near future, you'll be able to play Nivrig's newest of creations called 'Rogue Declan : Zero'; an in-development twin stick roguelite shooter for the Amiga! To coincide with this news, there's a new video provided below showing the game in action.

Although we don't have a lot to go on just yet, seeing as the game is still in an Alpha state. From what we can tell by the video above is not only do you have to kill many waves of deadly enemies, but there's loot to find,  dangerous bullets to avoid, and hopeful music by DJ METUNE. And that's all we know so far, but as soon we know more, we will of cause let you all know on Indie Retro News! - Also thanks to Saberman for the heads up!


  1. Oh my ! Another twin stick game ! :) Really happy I put my Amiga in an arcade cabinet ; this way twinstick games play wonderfully. Only have 2 ATM (Llamatron & Super Obliteration) but 2 or 3 more are coming, hehe !

  2. Oh wow this looks and sounds amazing, hope for sfx + music though :)

  3. I like these type of games. Reminds me a bit of the Alarcity Demo by Pixelglass.


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