QUOD INIT EXIT IIo - The sequel to a colourful C64 game by Retream gets a new preview tease and it looks lovely [UPDATE]

In 2015 we gave a special mention to Retream's Arcade platformer of ' QUOD INIT EXIT ', a C64 game that had a cute little pig, lots of fast moving fruit and was so colourful you would've been silly not to load it up on a C64. Thankfully it looks as if the team want to continue the piggy greatness, as we have once again been informed through twitter, that they have shown another preview tease of QUOD INIT EXIT IIo; A fabulous sequel of which are are really looking forward to playing when it's finished.

When we featured QUOD INIT EXIT IIm which is the minimal-sized (16 kB) sequel to QUOD INIT EXIT, we said that the game was overall an extremely addictive brand new game for your C64. Well if you loved QUOD INIT EXIT and it's smaller sized sequel, you'll be pleased to know that this version of the game as llo is not just a much bigger game. But will contain colorful high resolution background and sprites, full screen, free-positional sub-pixel 50 fps scrolling, a smoothly animated main character, cool background animations huge maps (2048 pixel wide and from 848 up to 928 pixels tall), and a hilarious introduction and ending in the form of short stories!

UPDATE : Checking through our Twitter feed, we've recently been informed by the creator. That not only are one of the levels from the game now complete as you enter the mad scientist's TOWERS! (And, yes, it's also a tribute to IM2.). But they also go on to say with all the listed improvements below, "Making this zone has been even tougher than the other ones due to the fake 3D perspective, which increases the already extreme complexity of drawing the tiles, designing the map and writing the zone-specific code". 

Improvements :

  • * avoided that the belly meter lowers in less than a full delay period after it gets fully replenished (that was not a bug, but a known - and until now accepted - consequence of the use of a global timer);
  • * changed the way the endpoint blinking is handled, so that it cannot be missed when the tile is not visible;
  • * touched up Zampo's ears;
  • * reduced the volume of the snare in all the tunes;
  • * made various improvements/optimizations;
  • * fixed the handling of Zampo's flashing (if a spinach can collided against Zampo as soon as it appeared and Zampo was flashing due to the start of the GOLD mode, the flashing would last as long as the STEEL mode lasted, even if Zampo stopped sitting);
  • * fixed the restart of the zone and the launch of the transition to the next zone (operations were done regardless of the raster beam position, which could cause some minor graphics glitches for one frame;
  • * added the TOWERS zone;
  • * changed the zones order (now it is NEW PORK, TOWERS, FUN PARK, CLIFFS, FORTRESS);
  • * worked on the CLIFFS zone map: made it 16 pixels taller (now it is 2048x960 pixels); extended the underground part; made it easier/fairer in some places; made a few little graphical improvements;
  • * worked on the FORTRESS zone map: made it 16 pixels taller (now it is 2048x912 pixels); extended the underground part;
  • * worked on the frontend: changed the icon highlight colors;
  • * worked on the intro: added a joke; fixed the spacing of some lines;
  • * worked on the outro: fixed a character;
  • * worked on the documentation: improved and extended the manual; added warning at the top of the quickstart guide.

Links :1) Source

1 comment:

  1. A C64 game that manage to look and play better -and without flickering- than many NES games -which had a clearly superior Cpu/Video Hardware & Cartridge Based- is quite an accomplishment .


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