Nesterin Trail - Another Text Adventure game makes an appearance! (C64 Preview)

We've mentioned a number of text based adventure games on Indie Retro News, from games such as Spooky Adventure, to Knight Orc and Masquerade. But now another game has appeared which will appeal to gamers who like those sort of games, as we've been told by a good friend of ours, that Marco Giorgini has made available a preview of the text adventure game of Nesterin Trail for the Commodore 64! As in the words of the creator "This preview version of Nesterin Trail (my C64 fantasy graphical text adventure game that I'm planning to release at the end of this year/beginning of next year)".

Here is what the website says about the game "In this early preview, active gameplay is very limited. You can move around and explore some of Nesterin and its surroundings (and start to get an idea of the potential story elements you'll need to work on), you can interact with people (ask them about things), and you have a couple of plot paths you can already follow. First, there's a place where something happened, because it's now inaccessible. And your job is to find a way in. Secondly, in order to fit in, to start dealing with some people, and to get access to other areas that you can't get into at the beginning, it's better to find some kind of work, not necessarily a paid one".

Links :1) Source - Thanks Liqmatrix for the heads up!

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