Doom - A brand new port of a classic FPS for the Atari XL/XE!

Throughout the years we've featured many different types of news stories, from gaming updates, to music disks and even scene demos. Well here we are with another eye opening news story I think you'll like, as if you have an Atari 8bit, then it might be worth checking out the latest release of Doom for the Atari XL/XE: An Atari port by Krzysztof Swiecicki - Swiety/ZELAX rewriten to asm , optimized, fixed and so much more! In light of this late hour news story, Saberman has also done a short video showing the game in action.

Here is what the video description says about the release " Atari port by Krzysztof Swiecicki - Swiety/ZELAX rewriten to asm , optimized and fixed. Double horizontal view, viewfinder. Original Doom for the VIC-20 ported by Steve Mccrea. This is a "port" of iD software's Doom which was released at Lost Party 2023. For the features of this port, it includes cut down versions of shareware Doom's levels, minus the secret level. Sergeants, demons, imps and cacodemons, with AI code cut down from the Doom source. Fist, chainsaw, pistol, shotgun, chaingun and pick ups such as health, keys and ammo. Corpses, exploding barrels, secrets and so much more listed below!"

  • 11 music tracks, converted from the original Doom midi files
  • 20 sound effects, converted from the original Doom PC speaker sounds
  • cheat codes
  • panning and zooming map
  • intermission and victory screens
  • arbitrarily angled textured walls


  1. RobertPayne5569 July 2023 at 13:14

    Always good to see more Doom.

  2. Very impressive! Runs better than the Vic 20 version too, which was already fantastic all things considered!

  3. That is bloody impressive!

  4. Wow. Impressive!

  5. Looks like an advanced version of vicdoom. Nice! Another variant I've always liked is Poom for the Pico-8 virtual console. Different level design, but amazing work nonetheless. >>

  6. And there is still no C64 game quite like this at all. Maybe .... perhaps Red Serpent, one day, but even that is more Wolfenstein than DOOM which is completely fine and should result in a higher frame rate, compared. Still, I await that day when such a 3D game finally steps on to the Breadbin. :3

    This here is mighty impressive! And there are real rooms, diagonal hallways, everything is just amazing!

  7. There's a Jaguar adaptor for the 7800 which allows new games to use every-button that would be perfect for this game, and may work with the ATARI 8-bit, called the Wolf, by @danjovic .

    This is an open-source project, and there are details on his blog and Atari Age about this device.

    If this game was ported and enhanced on the 7800, and included the Wolf Adaptor for 6-button Jaguar controller support, the developer could include game-specific keypad overlays so that 7800 gamers could hot-swap their weapons in the same way the Jaguar version handle swapping weapons, slect map, pause the game, etc.

    ATARI have publicly stated that they can hp to clear licensing for new retro ATARI games, so it may even be possible to release the game officially for the 7i00, which would also work with the new 2600+ console.

    If the developer thinks its a good idea, they could contact to try an clear the license for an officially licensed ATARI 7800 game.

    So many people will buy it if they do.


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