Doomed Castle (AMIGA) - Another Castlevania fan game appears and this one looks good!

Even more Amiga goodness to start the week! As if you have a Commodore Amiga at hand, an Amiga Mini, or an emulator installed, then at some point in the near future, you'll be able to play this awesome looking Castlevania fan game that's in development called 'Doomed Castle' by M.A.Soft team. A game that features not just high end graphics, but an in-depth UI screen, enemies to defeat and so much more you'll just have to see below this exclusive footage provided by Toni Galvez.

I asked Tony for more information about the game, and this is what he tells us. The game is being created by Miguel Ángel Jiménez Santana (CODE, MA Soft, Toni Galvez (GRAPHICS, and Martin Eriksson (MUSIC, Furthermore, Doomed Castle will have more than 60 colours on screen, use fast ram as a storage to minimize the disk access, will use an accelerated Amiga to avoid any slowdowns, and while the game does require an OCS Amiga 7mhz 512k chip+512k fast ram. It was created using Blitz Basic 2, Tiled, Promotion, Personal Paint, Gimp, Protracker, Renoise and Octamed 4!

UPDATE : Demo Live!

Links :1) Twitter 2) Download


  1. Not sure why this one is listed as "Amazing graphics". It looks... OK. But the animation looks pretty slow and choppy.

    1. Considering how a lot of "new" Commodore Amiga games look this one has had a lot of work done! Also Tony does state "will use an accelerated Amiga to avoid any slowdowns". Most likely it's the game engine, as Scorpion Engine is much better performing. Still I'm looking forward to this one and no complaints from me :D

  2. Looks great. I like that despite being a blatant Castlevania clone it still has some of it's own character and style in it's graphics rather than just being all ripped. :)

  3. Yeah, this looks and sounds amazing. Nice work!

  4. Now that looks phantastic. I like the colours and graphics. Well deserved Amiga port

    1. It's not a port, it is a game inspired.

    2. Of course, how could I miss that ;) I like it very much, unfortunately the character is only visible when it is moved. I cannot jump or use any weapon. I used different mem configuration and WinFellow as emulator. Maybe I must use WinUAE ;)

  5. Good graphics,an excellent use of colours and great music! Maybe a bit slow but i can't wait to see this game completed!!


  7. This looks great. I want to know why three different trackers got used?

    1. Original song is composed in Renoise (here, the musician generate the samples, chords...), later on, he compose the module in Protracker to finally import the module on Octamed, because we use MED music format.

  8. Risky Woods, Jim Power...

  9. Amiga - Play with the Power


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