Indie Retro News celebrates over 30 million views, THANK YOU EVERYONE!

It is a time to celebrate on Indie Retro News, as not only have we hit a huge milestone in views reaching a staggering 30+ million website hits which doesn't include Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, but we are also celebrating around 11 years of the creation of the website! A website that doesn't just feature indie games, but also retro games for systems such as....... The Atari 8bit, Atari 2600/5200, Atari ST, Amiga, Amstrad, C64/128, C16 Plus/4, DOS, Sega Mega Drive, NES, SNES, Sega Mega Drive and many others all available in the tagged listing to your left!

Coming full circle from announcing the C64 version of Sam's Journey to the NES version!

Nearly every day apart from most weekends I have achieved my goal to fill the page with as many eye opening games as possible so you the reader have a smile on your face every time you visit the website. All without ADS or nasty pop ups, that some sites prefer to use! So I'll end this off by saying not just a thank you to those that support us by any means possible (even just visiting or leaving a nice comment), but also to those of you who share our latest news through Facebook, Twitter, Twitch(Amiga Bill/Pintz N Amiga, Hayesmaker), Youtube (Saberman, Per Ola Eriksson) or via word of mouth! Seriously, I'm so grateful to all of you, words cannot express how I feel even though the toughest of times!

So have a good one friends, here's a salute to you!


  1. Congratulations! Here's to 30 million more views <3

  2. Well ... . You guys are really AWESOME! Congratulations! There aren't many sites that I visit several times a week of my own accord, but you're definitely one of them. You are essential for me and my hobby, you have to know that. I now regularly spend more money on C64, Amiga, NES, ... games than on games on modern computers. Life without Indie Retro News is possible, yes. But let's face it: It would be absolutely pointless! ;)

  3. Congratulations indieretronews, you're the best!

  4. indieretronews is one of the very few websites I visit daily. It's simply the best website of its kind. Thank you for the continous stream of information about hundreds and hundreds of indie and retro titles I'd have missed otherwise. I congratulate and salute you to your achievement and hope for many more years.

  5. Congratulations!! Really like your site and have been visiting it almost every day for about 4 years now.
    Keep up the great work as I really do enjoy your site and may it keep on going.

  6. Congrats! I am checking site daily, sometimes more then once :D

  7. I gladly read it at least once per day. Well deserved, congrats

  8. My favourite retrosite indeed. Kudos from Spain!!!

  9. Best retro news 4 ever, i read all the posts, watch all the videos, amazing site, god job!

  10. Congratulations!!! Keep up the good work and....salutations from Italy!

  11. Congrats! Well deserved! I love visiting here to try more awesome retro games - especially C64 ones. :-)

  12. thx to be here as every day!
    Long Life to IndieRetroNews!!! ;)

  13. Nice! Love the site

  14. Congratulations! Keep it going guys.

  15. The best source of news to feed our retro systems. Congratulations.

  16. You do such a good job with this. One of the few websites I check every day, big THANK YOU

  17. Congratulations mate, you do a superb job.

  18. pages views means nothing lol

  19. No clue how I ended up here but finding a new notification on Feedbro is like opening presents on Christmas! Been in the games industry for 35+ years and watching people make games for the love of it still gets me excited. This site is fucking' awesome! Well deserved!

  20. Thanks everyone!!!! Some truly heart warming comments from you all. :) YOU GUYS ROCK!

  21. Thank you for all the hours put in! A gem of the internet!

  22. Congratulations! And a big THANK YOU for all your hard work. There are only 2 websites in the whole internet I check at least once daily: CSDb and IRN


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