MEGA ARMALYTE - Work in Progress Sega Genesis / Megadrive port of Armalyte teased!

If you're looking for some cool Sega Mega Drive or Genesis news then you've come to the right place! As thanks to Earok who contacted us just recently, he has told us that Shannon Birt is work on a newish game called MEGA ARMALYTE; A work in Progress Sega Genesis / Megadrive port of Armalyte; A port of the C64/Amiga version which was originally released way back in 1988 by Thalamus. To coincide with this rather cool news, we have some footage of the work in progress game below!

Here is what the creator says about MEGA ARMALYTE. "Stage 1 Music added authored by Cyberdeous !!!  (SFX to be added). Display well over 200 colors onscreen (in some scenes) using Horizontal interrupts and DMA techniques. The game uses active color streaming as the level progresses. Shadow / Highlight mode is used - Highlight for all Stars on screen and Ghost ships - Shadow mode for shadow ships . Realtime sprite scaling - the introduction with the ship flying in is a 96x64 sprite/s being scaled in real time - later on I hope to a scaling bosses. Tiles are used for player bullets , all projectiles from the player are actually tiles and not sprites, this saves on the sprite limit per line - allowing more sprites to be used for enemies. Coded in SGDK and 68k assembly. The level is a little quiet in places - more enemies to be added etc".


  1. Many thanks Guys for highlighting my game !!

    1. Hey dude really looking forward to how this one turns out! - For me though I'd like a different background, as my eyes can't keep up with that and the enemies appearing lol It's a migraine waiting to happen :p

    2. The background will get some work , I just need to find the right background , possibly the tile scrolling is a bit much. Fine balance between pushing effects and being able to follow whats going on haha. Looking for an gfx artist at present to take it to the next level !

  2. Well the Amiga version was a real shame but lucky this conversion seems really great and absolutely similar to the c64 One! Maybe It can be Better than the PC remake!

    1. The Amiga one lost its soul coming frmo c64 as many ports did. I don't want to say too much about it in respect of the Devs and time contraints etc but I definately prefer the C64 Armalyte hands down. I'm hoping to take the great bits from the C64 version and Mega it up suitably, possibly two support ships rather than one ? Some new attacks, probably double the enemy count in places, some new dynamics. This is early days just building bits into the engine !

    2. Thank you Shannon for keeping us all updated! :)

    3. Yeahhh...thanks Shannon but don't forget the autofire!! The only time i completed this games i was 11 years old...but i played armalyte with the autofire!! Never completed After that,for example,on ccs64!!

  3. Never liked this game due to it having no music.

  4. Too confusing graphics! Headache!

    1. I think thats mainly the busy background , thats going to get some work soon and hopefully make it a bit easier on the eyes. I need something that works in with the gradient.

  5. You'll be happy to know there will be music in this version ! Cyberdeous is doing the music and I love his tunes Armalyte stage 1 equalizer vid -

  6. WOnderful to see these classics get remade for other platforms


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