Rastan - Another Alpha update to a fabulous WIP Amiga 500 and above Arcade game!

Last week on Indie Retro News we gave you the heads up about a new alpha demo of 'Rastan' that was made available by basementApe for the Commodore Amiga. Well fast forward to today and if you're hoping for some new updates in regards to this Arcade development using Earok's excellent scorpion engine, then we have been told a new alpha demo has been made available. A demo which hopes to fix some of the bugs highlighted in Saberman's previous game video which showed an early build of the game in action. 

As ever here's what MobyGames says about Rastan : "Rastan features five levels of hacking and slashing gameplay with a boss at the end of each level. Numerous enemies assault you on your journey such as flying demons, chimeras, valkyries, piranhas, undead and more. Fight through to the end and save the land of Lograth from certain doom. The game features different weapons such as axes, maces and fire swords, each with its own attributes like extended range or attack power. Armour can also be picked up in the forms of shields, cloaks and armour, reducing the damage from enemy attacks. Other items include rings (increase the speed of your weapon) and jewelry for bonus points".

Credits : 

  • Remastered & new graphics: basementApe
  • Music: JMD
  • Code, audio & additional music: basementApe

Fixes :

  • - Fixed: Jumping, swinging and then trying to do a downwards plunge mid-swing would glitch out the animation big-time.
  • - Grabbing onto ropes while doing a downwards plunge would cause Rastan's legs to think they were crouching and not climbing.
  • - The flying demon's legs would transplant themselves onto a different monster if his upper body went off-screen while the legs stayed in view.
  • - Fixed some enemies spawning in above ground if the player was still in mid-air at the time.
  • - A couple of bugfixes and tweaks for the lizardman and bat AI's.
  • - The HD version had issues with music and sfx playback on 68040 processors. Fixed with the latest Scorpion update.
Links :1) Source


  1. Great demo!! The complete version will get all the levels from the arcade or lesser like the dos version?

    1. Thanks :D I plan to condense the levels down to four for space and well, time reasons :S Also because I think the arcade original drags on a bit in places and could do with some pruning

    2. Thanks for the reply! So It Will Be like the dos and the Apple 2 GS version....well,that's ok for me! For the double Jump you can implement It,2nd Button aside,with a longer pression of the Stick or Button or pushing two times the "up" command like in "Deliverance" for c64!

  2. Congratulations. This is shaping up to be something special. The fact that its running on an A500 is just mindblowing. I really hope you get to implement the super jump as i think its pivitol to the overall gameplay and what sets it apart. Also. Seeing the ropes added would also be a bonus but less important. Keep up the great work. Im making adf floppies of each demo and trying them out on real hardware each time.

    1. Thank you :) High jumps are definitely coming! I just put it off because it's not needed to progress in the 1st level, and I need to think about how to do the input in a way that works for both 1-button and 2-button controllers. Ropes are, well.. I hope I can implement them in the future, but the way things are right now it's not really possible.

      Hey that's awesome! I don't have a real Amiga to test on myself so always cool to hear that it runs well on the real thing :)

  3. Will "up + attack" be implemented as well? I only saw the swing down attack....

    1. Maybe, depends whether or not I can make room for it and make it work well with a 1-button setup

  4. This would have absolutely KILLED were it released during the hay days of the Amiga

  5. Thanks so much for your progres on this, looking amazing with each update and wonderful to see one of my old fave arcade games on Amiga!

    One thing - it works on MiSTer for me just fine, but I have a real A500 Plus and for some reason, the game loads to the title page but after that does not load the first level. Tried both recent versions - maybe this is an A500 Plus thing? I know they can be finicky with compatibility!

    Keep up the great work, really cool to see this. Love the sprite work and use of colour, I think as others have said it actually improves on the Arcade version in many ways :)

    1. Thanks, I'm happy to hear that :)

      I've had a couple of reports about problems with A500+ and A600s before. What solved it for those guys was to remove 'endrun' from the startup sequence => from 'endrun game-crunched.exe' to just 'game-crunched.exe'. I don't know if they had RAM beyond the standard 1MB chip on their systems so if you just have 1MB chip it might still not work, but worth a try at least.

      'endrun' is sort of a hack to squeeze out more RAM from the system, but it's only effective on kickstart 1.3. It would seem like endrun has some kind of compatibility issue with kickstart 2.0? Not sure. I only have 1.3 and 3.1 to test with atm :/

      So yeah, RAM is a bit tight for Rastan right now lol. Good news is, I think I'll be able to optimize the RAM usage somewhat in the future and if so I can just ditch endrun altogether.

  6. physical release for CD32 would be great!

  7. Another Taito game maybe was Rastan Saga or Cadash???

  8. I am wondering whether the level 1 screen background with the mountains and large statues as to the link hereunder will be also included?


  9. I am wondering whether the screen background of level 1 from the arcade, such as the blue sky, mountains and giant statues will be also included?


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