Atic Atac Remake - A classic Utimate Play the Game title arrives on the ZX Spectrum Next!

Ultimate Play the Game released many incredible titles in the 80's, games such as Knightlore, Jetpac, Sabre Wulf and Gunfright to name but a few. But today's news is something special for ZX Spectrum NEXT owners, as the rather famous ZX Spectrum and BBC Micro game of Atic Atac, which was also released as a stunning unofficial overhaul for the C64 by Steven Day and Tomcat, has been released as a remake for the ZX Spectrum NEXT by 9bitcolour! To coincide with this news, we have some footage of the game which can be viewed below.

As ever here is what the website says about this very cool remake : "9bitcolor presents Atic Atac Next! Now that you have been trapped in the evil haunted Castle, your object is to find the hidden Golden Key of A.C.G. and escape via your only exit, the Main Doors. The game features Knight, Serf, or Wizard, full 8 way movement, working trapdoors, secret passages, evil enemies such as Frankenstein, Mummy, Dracula, Witches, Monks, Ghosts..... AND finally all of this requiring 60hz for pure awesome gameplay"

  • Based on the remake by Richard Jordan. 
  • Original graphics by John Blythe.
  • Music by Matt Simmonds.
  • A.I. art by Mark Leither. 
  • Developed by 9bitcolor.

Links :1) Source - Thanks for the heads up Liqmatrix


  1. Honestly would prefer just updated graphics over the original game 'engine' like other ports have done. The zoomed in scrolling view doesn't work as good and also the game's pace is slower. But hey, I don't have a Next so my opinion don't count for nada.

  2. This is another great ZX Spectrum Next release. The graphical style is actually quite fun. Someone also made a great C46 version too.

  3. Love Atic Atac original. My first ZX Spectrum game. This versions not so much :(

  4. zoomed in ruins it

  5. Zoomed in doesn't work and it is too slow.

  6. I agree, the zoom level ruins it completely. Don't understand why the devs thought it would be a good idea it just destroys what could have been a really nice port.

  7. Looks great but the super intense bloom effect is maybe a bit too much.

    1. This! I don't mind the zoom effect too much, but that bloom is almost blinding imo.

  8. This is the best looking ZX Spectrum Next game, huge graphics and eerie sound. Technically it's probably better than anything else on the computer, I agree with comments above and the original is still more fun, but it's free, so can't complain.

    If the developer was charging for this, it would be expensive like the other Spectrum Next games are. Not worth it.


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