Petaxian (June Build ) - A new take on an Arcade classic based on PETSCII graphics

Galaga has appeared on Indie Retro News a few times over the years, especially as it is one particular Arcade classic that homebrew developers love making clones of with special effects and bonus power ups added. Well here we are with another Galaga feature, but unlike the excellent Arcade port released by Arlasoft not long ago, this one is called Petaxian; a game which is basically Galaga and Galaxian but based on PETSCII graphics developed by Borgar.

In brief this is what the GitHub page says about the game "The game is currently in "a sort of finished state" (i.e has a workable game loop) but may never end up completely polished. It's just a hobby project after all. I thought I had reach a point where most of what I consider the fun stuff had been done but it turns out there are always a few more things to tinker with. I still have a short list of features which may eventually be added. Though I started working mostly with the X16 emulator, over time I've also focused on getting this to run well on the C64. Various optimization of the code and some significant improvements in Prog8 now has the C64 running without noticable slowdowns".

- Do note this is the June Build via the devs GitHub, but a new trainer was released via CSDb by Excess

Links :1) CSDb 2) GitHub 


  1. Very nice and entertaining shooter!

  2. it moves nicely .. gfx akin to Gyruss on 8bit Atari.

  3. Loading artwork looks like a Cylon Raider from reimagined BSG ... and I love it !


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