Batmanolo Against The Mutant Attack To Weepingtown - A new ZX Spectrum 48k game from Nahell Tresal

If you're looking for a new game to play on your speccy, then we have just been told by Saberman, that you can now play Nahell Tresals latest ZX Spectrum 48k game of 'Batmanolo Against The Mutant Attack To Weepingtown'. A new game in which playing as Batmanolo, must stop the evil Doctor Jose Antonio Malvado from turning all the citizens of WeepingTown into mutants. To coincide with this news, we have some latest footage of the game provided by Saberman viewable below.

As ever here is what the website says about Batmanolo."The evil Doctor Jose Antonio Malvado is trying to turn all the citizens of WeepingTown into mutants! Help Batmanolo stop him! Your suit is ruined but you can recover it for a little while and be more resistant, jump higher and throw your weapon to discover hidden rooms or paralyze enemies. Gather all the mutagen that's spread all around WeepingTown, cancel the launch of missiles with the mutagen and kill the evil doctor Malvado..."

"Batmanolo against the mutant attack on WeepingTown is a platform game with hints of eighties video adventures made in NATIVE BASIC (later compiling the game with tools of the 80's for basic) for ZX SPECTRUM 48K. Is compatible with every SPECTRUM emulator. I hope you enjoy it Best Regards"

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1 comment:

  1. Interesting, nice intro. I like the use of sprite parts as texture. You can tell it's a BASIC game.


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