Lots of Amiga Boxx goodness thanks to Lemming880 and team!

Lemming880 has been mentioned a number of times on Indie Retro News, as he has released a number of enjoyable games such as Boxx, Boxx 2, Boxx 3 and even Boxx 4. Well here with another Amiga news story from the same creator, as he has released another load of updates to each of those games we have mentioned previously. Games that were originally created in Backbone and have all been ported over to Earok's excellent Scorpion Engine using graphics by Koyot1222.

As we said before in all of our previous write ups "In this colourful game series you play as a green guy who has to collect all the coins, avoid deadly traps, kill nasties and jump from platform to platform to reach the end exit. Once he's done all that, it's a level complete and it's on to the next ever harder stage! And that's all there is to say about these games, so make sure to head on over to the link below and check out the awesomeness that is Boxx , Boxx 2, Boxx 3 and Boxx 4!

  • Programming & Level Design: Lemming880
  • Graphics: Koyot1222 & Dulcahn
  • Music: Triace & Vedder
  • Support: Mulle & Kojote

Links :1) Source ( This will be our last post on Boxx unless there are any major changes )


  1. again this scorpion engine/redpill and similar... With respect I don't like those tools. Is there anyone out there which programs the old way?

    1. Hmm Scorpion Engine is way beyond Redpill, and it's still being improved all the time! I'm not a fan of redpill either

    2. Scorpion Engine is in completely different category than other tools, as it uses Amiga hardware as opposed to other engines that mix graphics in software and thus require fast Amigas for smooth gameplay. Scorpion games are smooth even on 0.5M Amiga 500, very close to hand-coded.

    3. Not to get into a flame war or anything but I'm interested to know what it is that's particularly bad about a game made in an engine? If the person creating the game is more interested in game design, art and sound but not so interested in programming to the metal, why isn't it a good thing that they can make something? It could be that they are not interested in the time and discipline it takes to learn ASM and even if they are proficient in ASM perhaps they would rather invest the time it takes to program their own game engine into making the game design, levels, assets etc

      The way I see it, programming is a means to an end and is only one of the many disciplines needed to make a game. If what you're trying to achieve is making something that is fun to play but not a demonstration of technical prowess, what's the problem? I think if these tools existed back then we would have seen some commercial releases made in them.

      As for your second question. Yes, h0ffman and McGeezer are two examples off the top of my head of people who program in 64k ASM. Also the demoscene is still active for the Amiga and I'd presume a large amount of them are done in pure assembler to squeeze the most out of the machine.

    4. Just because it's "easy to make" as opposed to coding, or that there's a glut doesn't take anything away from the games. I can perhaps see the cookie cutter approach, seeing the same type of game over and over again (a la shoot em up construction kit) turning people off, but this is so far removed from SEUCK. We should all be glad there are still games being made period for a machine that's been retired for decades.


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