Mighty Castle Adventure - A Castlevania fan game is still coming to the Amstrad CPC!

Castlevania has been featured many times on Indie Retro News, which is no surprise as pretty much every game in the series going right back to the first game can be picked up and enjoyed by all. But here's another update you might like to know about if you love this classic game series. As we have been told that yogtze is still working on a Castlevania game for the Amstrad CPC called 'Mighty Castle Adventure'; a game that can be seen in the video provided by Xenomorph.

Castlevania was and still is an incredible action platformer, that even today can be played via emulation or through an NES and give you hours worth of enjoyment. Now however thanks to yogtze, not only view the latest footage of the game for the Amstrad CPC which appeared at the Benediction Coding Party #3, but when finished if you have an Amstrad it will hopefully be the next best thing for fans of Castlevania. 

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