Electroman - A PC game for the Commodore Amiga AGA gets a new level 7 demo

If you're interested in the latest news for the Commodore Amiga AGA game of 'Electroman': a game port that was originally released by Messrs, Janusz Pelc and Maciej Miąsik for the MS-DOS platform back in 1997. Then we have just been informed by Saberman, that tukinem has released a new level 7 demo with fixes to level 6. To coincide with this news, Saberman has also provided a video of the work in progress game which looks like it may be finalized next year.

Introducing another demo to the early version of Electroman for the Commodore Amiga AGA, i.e. the foreign version of the Electrobody game, once created by Messrs. Janusz Pelc and Maciej Miąsik for the MS-DOS platform. The game update, as the creator announced just recently. now features a number of fully playable levels, fixed control errors, a preview of the level map under M, as well as coded handling of the game save... (F2 saves the last base position during the game, and F3 in the game menu reads the game save from the file).

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1 comment:

  1. Why AGA when I have superior VGA already?


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