Shadow Dancer - A 1989/91 game released for the Amiga is getting an Mega Drive to Amiga port! [New Video]

As we said before, while many of you have played Shadow Dancer on the Amiga, some of you felt while the game was fun, it was lacking in graphics, noting by many as having an Atari ST colour-palette and no Parallax. Well one such user is hoping to change that negative view, as msmalik681 has shown a project for a Mega Drive to Amiga port of Shadow Dancer using the Scorpion Engine. A new version of the game which the creator states "The megadrive version was the same game re-imagined and it was much better then the original arcade game. I played this game to death when I was younger and I loved it".

While the creator has stated that he is hoping to release a playable demo in the near future, he's the info about this classic game.  "Shadow Dancer is a side-scrolling hack-and-slash action game produced by Sega and originally released as an arcade game in 1989. It is the second and the final arcade game in the Shinobi series, following the original Shinobi itself. The player controls a ninja aided by an attack dog, who is fighting to save the city from a terrorist organization. Shadow Dancer was the first game developed for the Sega System 18 arcade board hardware and its generally well-received home versions were released for the Master System console and several home computer systems in 1991".

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  1. It runs on the Amiga 500? parralax and distortion? I'm impressed.

    1. The Scorpion Engine is pretty amazing. One of the best things that's happened to the Amiga scene in a long time.

    2. There are games with distortion and parallax in amiga 500, nothing new here.

    3. No real time distortion i used animation to make that effect.

    4. even better , same effect clever choice

  2. in which game?
    in jim power there's a distortion effect with the final boss, but no scroll, for example

    1. Check pegasus , on lazt levels , even better than megadrive with more movement and color changes

    2. Check also apidya , much better and faster than anything at the time although smaller window

    3. thanks, I didn't know about the level with these effects in Pegasus.

      Apidiya's bonus stage is interesting, but as it's in forced scrolling with limited collision management, I'm still a bit disappointed.

    4. Well i understand what you mean alltough i do not agree. You can find a similar effect in Gynoug at sega genesis (a system more powerful that the Amiga 500 on sprites) but if you look very it is just 2 levels of parallax in APIDYA there are more and the effect is much better. I think that really a few people can understand how an amiga chipset must be programmed. Alltough there are limitations.

      The Effects in Pegasus are just stunning, its a pity that there didn't included music in that game , unfortunately European publishers where a lot behind in mindset opposite to japanese and American companies.

      They really were destoying their products with weird choises!

  3. ill be interested to see how the music will be intergrated along with the fx. Great work.

  4. Really close to the sega mega drive version! Keep up the good work!

  5. I loved the original Amiga conversion. I know the MD version looks better, but the original Amiga game is a good port

  6. Fun thing about the Amiga version of Shadow Dancer is that it is more or less an 'ST Port'! Nice as the conversion is (big sprites, nice music & FX), it could have been even a lot better even.


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