Planet Rescue Mission - A highly challenging and sometimes frustrating game for the Atari XL/XE

Thanks to Saberman contacting us just moments ago through Facebook, we have been told that Zdenda Zubr, who has created lots of games such as Zdendazuma and Greedy Bat, has released the highly challenging and sometimes frustrating game of 'Planet Rescue Mission'. An Atari XL/XE game that came first in the Silly Venture Winter Edition 2023 competition! In light of this news, if you like 8bit homebrews that require patience and a steady-hand, make sure to check out the video provided below.

Here's the latest developer notes about the game. "This game is for atari with "1MB rambo". I play it on a 600XL with an "AVG SUB cart" with a connected pbi-cable to have 64kB memory + 1MB rambo. I bank 64 banks at $4000-$7fff addresses (64 pages, 16kB), I physically need 64 banks x 64 pages = 1MB of external memory. This game placed first in the Silly Venture Winter Edition 2023 competition. The game can be played alone on one Atari, or the second part of the game can be run on another Atari. Both machines must be connected via joystick-connector"

Links :1) Website 2) Download

1 comment:

  1. Why would anyone be inspired to make a game thats just as frustrating as Airwolf?!


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