Shadow Dancer - A classic 1989/91 game is still getting a Mega Drive to Amiga port [NEW WIP DEMO!]

As we said before, while many of you have played Shadow Dancer on the Amiga, some of you felt while the game was fun, it was lacking in graphics, noting by many as having an Atari ST colour-palette and no Parallax. Well one such user is hoping to change that negative view, as not only has msmalik681 shown some new footage of the upcoming Mega Drive to Amiga port of Shadow Dancer using the Scorpion Engine, but as of today you can download the very first work in progress demo!

"Shadow Dancer is a side-scrolling hack-and-slash action game produced by Sega and originally released as an arcade game in 1989. It is the second and the final arcade game in the Shinobi series, following the original Shinobi itself. The player controls a ninja aided by an attack dog, who is fighting to save the city from a terrorist organization. Shadow Dancer was the first game developed for the Sega System 18 arcade board hardware and its generally well-received home versions were released for the Master System console and several home computer systems in 1991".

Demo Notes :  "Here is the promised demo please be aware scorpion has some major attack registering bugs and earok will be re writing the whole code soon. This should squeeze onto a 1mb(chip) a500 but it may have performance issues please post here with any feedback. Download link on the youtube page. A lot of sound effects are there but can't be heard due to the 4 channel music but IM76 is working on a 3 channel alternative.."

Links :1) Discussion 2) Download


  1. Where is the dog?

    1. Devs response "Firstly thank you and second this is the great thing about a project being open source if you like a feature form this project open it up in scorpion and see how it works here is the github link: . Just to explain when the player attacks there is a check run on all actors I identify actors by their tag so all enemy actors have a positive tag number and anything works in negative numbers next compare their X and Y to your own and if they are in reach run melee attack.

      As for the manhole covers they only bump you not really need. The dog is still something I am considering depending on how performance is on the a500 and its difficult to rip enemy sprites when the dog is in the way. I am already running close to the 1MB limit so we will see."

      Seems to be a performance related issue :(

    2. In his kennel, he sleeps :P

    3. Up the mem requirements or switch to making an AGA version maybe? I appreciate the thought to remain true to common specs of the day but not pushing the boundaries when the situation warrants it is part of why the Amiga is now a footnote in computing/gaming history.. The game is looking awesome so far, would be good to do it full justice, though I also completely understand that this is a labor of love so I fully respect that it's your time and effort that's going into this in the first place.

    4. Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who)

    5. Hello all, the mistake always happens in amiga gaming is that devs usually do not take advantage all of the ECS capabilities because the games are limit to 1MB. Perhaps the dev community should change to 2MB. Of couse Scorpion engine is no ASM but i think that ECS bountraries can be pushed further.

  2. I wonder when it comes to memory limitations, if it's not time to go the same way as the Commodore 64 scene and start to use cartridge format.

    1. Cartridge format on Amiga, how do you do that?

  3. Well without the dog we are talking about a different game....if i was the developer i would be more concerned about staying true to the original than memory requirements.

  4. Can I hope for a proper Rolling Thunder (2) port on the Amiga too?


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