Robot Jet Action 2 - Retro Navigator's upcoming Commodore Amiga game, gets another wip teaser

Thanks to both Per Ola Eriksson and Saberman giving us the heads up, we've been told that Retro Navigator has shown new footage of the upcoming Commodore Amiga OCS game of 'Robot Jet Action 2'. A game that was not only released for the Commodore 64 back in 2022, but it featured lots of challenging levels, different themed worlds and so much more which made it rather entertaining! While we still don't know when the game will be released, the creator has announced along side the video, that the music for the game will now be composed by Kamil ‘Jammer’ Wolnikowski

While a more detailed dev write up can be found at the website below, here's the latest about the game from Retro Navigator. "I’m happy to present another update #2 of the Robot Jet Action 2. My game for Amiga computers. A lot is happening in the area of development in terms of code and gfx, but also tools which I need to build to develop this game. The biggest announcement is that the music for the game will be composed by Kamil ‘Jammer’ Wolnikowski. Jammer is an author of original soundtrack for RJA on C64. He is super-talented and well known musician on the demoscene and game dev scene.

The new things implemented in the game engine are:

  • Level screen scrolling in 4 directions
  • Initial boss level implementation 
  • Initial implementation of the worldmap / level selection screen 
  • A lot of implementation and bug fixes
  • what you see is going to be World #1 and Gfx for World #1 is almost done.
  • Initial implementation of bigger enemies (wider that 16 pixels sprites)

Links :1) Source


  1. Wow, that punk cat is BEAUTIFUL! Great pixel art! And music by Jammer!! This is all excellent!
    Hopefully the main sprite gets a bit more colorful, but that's just a minor complaint.

  2. really nice dithering, looking good so far :)
    Sprite does need something extra though imo :)

  3. Yes colors look a bit C64-like. Amiga offers so much more colors!

  4. Looks very polished! Music/sound reminds me of Amiga games from the 90's (like the music/sfx in the excellent platformer Soccer Kid). And that's a compliment too! Keep up the good work! By the way, is Robot Jet Action coming to the C64 as well? Because part 1 was released on that system...

  5. Looks and sounds super cool. Confusing that the jet pack power bar is inverted as on the C64, hope that will be fixed.

  6. Seems OK. Problem is that there are games that are so far beyond what this seems to offer

    1. What do you mean exactly Ray.

    2. I have to agree. I think the gameplay doesn't really look that interesting. I do love that pixel art on that cat, but other than that..

  7. Love the Punk cat as well. Looking forward to how this game will turn out..

  8. It would have been better without the jet and if the character was colorful. I can't identify with the main character. You have to constantly watch the jet bar. It's a bit boring.


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