WIZONK - Creeping Me Out Hex Night creator 'Mixel' teases a new Amiga game! (Multiplayer test)

Even though Mixel hasn't yet released the Amiga platformer of 'Creeping Me Out : Hex Night'; A Scorpion Engine created Action/Adventure/Platformer featuring complex levels, a story, enemies and dangerous traps to keep you company. There's another game that's worth keeping an eye and by the same developer, and that's WIZONK; A 4 player deathmatch wizard platformer with gameplay that's regarded as a slight mash up of Fuzzball and Smash Bros. To coincide with this news, not only is there a video of the game being played, but Mixel has also released the first multiplayer test that can be downloaded below.

And here's the latest about the game. "This is the first multiplayer test for Wizonk, supporting 2-4 players, either using a parallel port Multitap or two players on joystick with two on keyboard (currently a bit janky) - Wizonk’s core multiplayer component is free (pay what you feel?), but in time there will be an enhanced, more fleshed out Wizonk+ with a single player / cooperative campaign, available commercially. Wizonk is made in Scorpion Engine, all graphics, sound, music, coding, etc by Michael (Mixel) Dawes with huge thanks to Earok and the entire Scorpion community". 

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  1. Looks interesting

  2. Looks great Mixel. Love your gfx style and we need more multiplayer games. Looks like great fun :) Keep on the great work.

  3. Looks cute and fun...

  4. The AI needs improvement. As a game developer I can see that this Wizard's AI is exclusively running using random variables and it just moving randomly about. No real strategy AI as if playing against a human opponent. It is so random that it kills itself and jumps on lava, instead of avoiding the lava. Are there plans to improve it?

    1. There is absolutely no AI currently.. So I’d agree it definitely does need work, haha!

      P2 may be moving around because it’s detecting mouse input?

      The actual single player/co-op mode is more like bubble bobble. I am going to attempt to make some AI for the MP mode but it’s going to be extremely complex and may not work satisfactorily at all.

    2. Oooh believe me. I know one of the hardest things in game development is AI. THAT IS LITERALLY what makes game development a hard industry. Everything else is piece of cake. Depth, layers, collision, HUD, dialog box, conditions like events or scripts, controlling graphics card commands for visual effect, blah blah...if combine all of these it would only come 10% of how hard making an AI is.


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